Monday, August 31, 2009

On the Go!

I call this, "the travelling affiliate". that's right we are crossfitting on the go! For now, this truck will be mother ship to our primal utensils and mother nature will be our floor.
Thanks for a great start up date guys!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

New schedule

Hey everyone,

In Crossfit, fitness has been defined as... 'Work Capacity across broad time and modal domains." This week life gave me a chance to confront a challenge. This week we will change our location and we will focus in enrolling our community in our foundations of movements and our philosophy.

Our workouts will now be run out of Coronation Park in Oakville, ON. Besides keeping training, we will spread out the word of what we do and get ready for out new facility's grand opening in a few weeks.

This weeks workouts will be:
Mon, Tue, Wed at 6am, 6pm and 7pm
Thursday 6am
Fri 6am and 6pm
Sat 7am, 11am and 12pm
If someone has another hour in mind please let me know... we need at least 2 memmbers to schedule a new session.

Thank you all for your calls and text messages this weekend, you make my life easier everyday.


Friday, August 28, 2009


I'll just leave you guys with this couple of pics that will differentiate us from other "boot camps" around the area. Don't bring any 5 lbs weights cause we have the right weight for you to start!

Is called an Olympic weightlifting bar and it weights more than 10 pounds.

Thank you, thank you... push away!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fast and Hard

Lots of learning involved in he program. Today we reviewed the push press and the ladies finally got a chance to use the Olympic bars. It was challenging and intimidating but I just wanted you to know that with proper form and desire to finish the movement, it possible.
Sorry about the little delayed, my time was badly managed!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Morning and evening

Today's workout:

Max round in 10 min of
250m run
10 dumbbell swing
10 push ups


Max rounds in 8 min of

100ft lunges
12 squats
12 sit-ups

Oh! I can see how they were loosing that lumbar curve on those squats that last round, but I know you were trying to keep up so hard. Great effort, dedication, you make every morning worth it!
See you guys tonight as we'll be attending our very own Pauline Caballero's Hot Yoga class @ Port Credit.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Proud and not

This morning was an awesome workout, the gents aske to put weight no the bar, This are probably some of the best words my ears can take. At the same time, our own Russ P. had a small back issue. Those Sumo Dead Lifts High Pulls were good to learn and I'll promise they"ll get better, well, harder.

Carlos and Graham had a little conversation going on and it was awesome! Its fun, makes me happy and is a great way to stay in shape.

Stay strong!


Monday, August 17, 2009

What do we train for?

General Physical Preparedness is the answer. (From Crossfit South Baltimore)

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball.

Are you ready? No, not for anything in particular. For life. Are you ready to tackle the challenges of everyday life? For the most part, you probably are. But what about that one day when things just go horribly wrong? No, not wrong like you-took-off-your-rear view-mirror-backing-out-of-the-garage wrong; I’m talking really wrong. Wrong like life threatening. Wrong like you are attacked by a crazed junkie, or fall down the side of a cliff, or get trapped in a burning building.

The type of situation where as they search the rubble for something to put in your casket, the news anchor stands there and says “they were helplessly trapped…” Not us. Maybe John Q. Cardmember was helplessly trapped, but not us. Make no mistake, society will excuse you, but the standard is so low. Hold yourself to a higher one. Know that, when the chips are down, your most accurate adjective won’t be “helpless.” Know that you are prepared.

No, CrossFit won’t prepare you break any world records in most specialized sports, so if that’s your aim, then you should look elsewhere (or at the very least supplement with specific training). But it does prepare you for the challenges of life, which are “unknown and unknowable” as Coach Glassman so succinctly puts it. To me, this is so much more valuable, and so much more applicable to the existence I lead, where the aim is health, longevity and prosperity. I feel ready for anything. Do you?

Isn't learning new things everyday awesome?!

Friday, August 14, 2009

That was hard!

This picture was from my afternoon crew, when yesterday they pushed over their limits to achieve an extra rep in each station. They been cleaning and pressing so much weight they we decided to kill their conditioning yesterday and we did.

On the other hand, besides conditioning, morning ladies you guys really surprised me today when no one brought their knees down holding those planks after doing soooooo many push ups.

I was a little bit mean both of the times but I know you'll forgive me for it, cause it feels good!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Anger management

Well I guess today the boys really let it out. After an introduction of the one-legged-dead lift and the barbell floor wipers we really brought down the house.

The workout today was, 4 rounds of max reps for a minute of:

Ring Superman

Renegade rows

Tire Hammers

Rest 1 min

Wasn't easy, never is, but you hate it for only 20 minutes.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Not as hot

Thank God today wasn't as hot as last Monday, I think everybody suffered during that one more than any other day. But that extreme cardiovascular session today made it up for the heat and I am happy no one fell during it. But really actually "fell".

Monday, August 10, 2009

A whole new week

A whole new week starts today and for a lot of us anew cycle. We were very happy of having Judy back on the gang!
Great job today ladies, I know those push presses ain't getting easier but you ain't either!!
Today's workout:
3 rounds of:
200m run
12 Push presses
12 Plate Swings
200 m run
10 Ring body rows
200m run
PS There's a surprise for the gents tomoroow

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Back with a vengeance... from holidays

Well we are starting August and some of us took some time off and are "getting back into it". Yesterday we had 4 new ladies joining our Mon-Wed-Fri, welcome to this game and thank you for taking this great and challenging step.

Great workout this morning gents!

FGB Standards:

Push Press

Box Jump

Tire Sledge


Wall Balls
